Our Stair Lifts works

Stairlift Installation Alicante
We have recently installed a FLOW  stairlift for a curved stairchase in the province of Alicante. Owners can now move with comfort and safe through the...
Outdoor Stairlift installation
Las sillas salvaescaleras se han convertido en un elemento indispensable para las personas con problemas de movilidad y accesibilidad. Gracias a ellas, las...
Platform Lift Alicante
We have recently installed a platform lift in the municipality of Benidorm. Thanks to this Vertic 300 platform lift –installed for a hotel renovation, people...


Mobility and accessibility are our main foundations to develop our activity. From Imovic, we as professionals offer smart solutions to match our clients’ needs.

Latests works

Stairlift Installation Alicante
Home Lift in Alicante - Spain
Outdoor Stairlift installation
Platform Lift Alicante